This is Shelby Hennick, a 21-year-old veterinary technician living in California. Hennick’s grandmother, Dona, was taken to the hospital because she had a bad reaction to one of the medicines she was taking. Hennick told BuzzFeed News that her mother suggested bringing …
I’m giggling at these two! We all know how much joy and happiness babies and dogs can bring to a home, and this is certainly true for the Diaz-Giovanini family in Utah. Mom Andrea wanted to reward her nine-month-old son Sam and wanted …
A great “Bark at the Park Night,” which happens at both minor and major league baseball games during the season, is the best thing ever. Dogs are allowed into the stadium during these events. Besides making it possible to watch America’s Favorite Sport with …
If you’ve ever lived in an apartment building, you’re likely to have run into maintenance workers. They have to fix everything from leaky faucets to broken lights and more. Because maintenance workers are allowed into homes to do work, they often get a …
A group of people rescued a small dog in the Bahamas, and it was hard for them to figure out what kind of dog Millie was because her fur was so matted that it turned into dreadlocks. It hurt Millie when she tried to …
Unlike cats, when left alone in the wild, dogs are not known to be survivalists. Numerous breeds rely on humans for grooming, feeding, sheltering, and, most importantly, affection. However, there are also extraordinary examples of pups who beat all odds and made it out …
When you think of cheetahs, you might think of big cats and the fastest animal on the planet, but they are very sensitive. They get so stressed out that they don’t know how to socialize with each other or procreate. That’s why they need …